Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Samuel Clemens Essays - Mark Twain, Redding, Connecticut, Lecturers

Samuel Clemens Essays - Mark Twain, Redding, Connecticut, Lecturers Samuel Clemens Samuel Clemens was born and grew up in Hannibal, Missouri. This was the home of his later characters Tom Sawer and Huck Finn. In these books he incorporated such features that really existed in Hannibal; features such as Holidays Hill, Bear Creek and Lover?s Leap. Clemens described the residents of Hannibal as happy and content with the lives they led in their small town. In his late teens, Clemens left Hannibal on a riverboat to become a printer in St. Louis. He moved up in the ranks of printing and moved to New York and eventually to Washington D.C. Clemens remembered how much fun he had had on the riverboat and how glorious it must have been to be a pilot. He soon decided to move to New Orleans to become a pilot. On the boat, he often heard things like ?Mark the twain, two fathoms deep?. He liked how the words ?Mark Twain? sounded and in one of his first books, ?Life on the Mississippi? about his four years piloting the Spread Eagle along the twisting river, he decided to use the name Mark Twain. Mark Twain stopped piloting the riverboat in 1861, at the start of the Civil War, to join the Union. He went to war for two weeks and left immediately after being involved in the shooting of a civilian. He said he knew retreating better than it?s inventor did. He soon decided to travel 1,700 miles from the Missouri Territory , to the Nevada Territory. He passed through Overland City, Horseshoe City, and many large and small cities in between. Clemens commented that Salt Lake City was healthy. He said that the city had one doctor who was arrested once a week for lack of work. Virginia City was very lively from all of the gold and silver found near. He commented that the saloons, courts and prisons were busy and there was a whiskey mill every fifteen steps. Inspired by the vein of silver as wide as a New York City street under Virginia City, Twain decided to go prospecting. Many people went prospecting crazy but Twain thought it must have skipped over him. After not finding any silver, he wrote a book called Roughing It. Clemens soon went to San Francisco and took a job at the San Francisco Times. From them he got the title of ?The Most Wild Humorist of the Pacific Slope?. He wanted to travel, so he boarded a ship to Hawaii, also known as the Sandwich Islands. From there, he traveled around the South Pacific and eventually made his way to Egypt where he was surprised by the large number of American tourists. He called many of them lost tribes of America. Twain soon felt he was in a strange world that had developed so much from his small town of Hannibal. ?My heart is in my own century,? Twain said,?but I wish the twentieth well.? There were other great phrases that he said, such as: ?I was young and foolish and now I?m old and foolish.? Twain churned out quotable phrases like a cigar churns out smoke. Clemens eventually bought a house on Long Island which he named Stormfield and stayed there through his final days. Samuel Clemens was born in 1835, the night of the Haley?s Comet. He always said that he thought he would go out with the comet just as he came in with it. Well, he got his wish ; Clemens died in 1910 at age seventy five, the night of the Haley?s Comet.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Greek Vs. Modern Violence essays

Greek Vs. Modern Violence essays Violence As It Is Portrayed In The Modern Media vs. The Ancient Greek Media When one thinks of ancient Greece, the word that comes to mind is civilized. Ancient Greece is considered to be the birthplace of Western Civilization, and therefore of our modern society. If it wasnt for the Greeks, civilization never could have evolved to its current high-water mark, found right here in the USA. In some ways, however, the Greeks achieved a level of sophistication and worldly understanding that our modern society cannot match. Specifically, the Greeks had a much better understanding of violence and its consequences, as opposed to our society, which seeks to glamorize violence, as well as detach it from our lives. This understanding was present in their media, specifically tragedies such as Antigone, Oedipus At Colonus, and King Oedipus, all by the Athenian playwright Sophocles. These works have violence included in them, but the focus is on the consequences of these violent acts, not on the actual violence itself. Our so-called civilized society could learn a thing or two from the ancient Greeks about the consequences of violence, instead of just glamorizing it for the masses. The ancient Greeks of Sophocles time lived in a world that was much more violent, at least on a day-to-day basis, than the world most of us live in. The Peloponnesian War was taking place, which meant that the Greeks were fighting one another on a regular basis. For the most part laws could regulate violence between citizens of a polis, but violent acts carried out against the citizens of another polis, or even violent acts carried out against a polis itself, were basically unregulated. The Greeks had no illusions about the glamour of violence, because they experienced it everyday in its harshest form, civil war. This is completely different from the world we live in. Sure, there is plenty of violence in our society, b...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

MEDIA THEORIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

MEDIA THEORIES - Essay Example Marx’s idealistic view of socialism involved actions that would better serve society within the realm of unselfish inspiration, a society not interested in existing social inclinations. The wealth of a nation should be divided not according to greed but to need. He sees the technological advances of the modern world as the basis for entire societies to be redistributed in accordance to the requirements of the upper class. Marx theorized that the upper-class controls the formation and definition of these ideologies so as to prevent people in the lower-class from knowing how society truly operates. For example, literature was used to form social ideology in eighteenth century England. Today, literature has been replaced by the media. This discussion will introduce Marx’s social theories and then investigate how they are put into practice within the media by analyzing the film Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd. The central concepts of Marxist economics include the theory of labour value, the disposition of production and the inevitable conflicts between the classes. Conflicts will always persist because the upper class can never totally control the lower classes. Lesser concepts include the idea of increased misery, the obsession with possessions and the consequences of economic alienation. Marx’s theories of labour value combined with his concepts of capitalism endeavour to clarify how the revenue system operates to the benefit of the upper classes and the detriment of the lower classes. Marx defines wealth as something produced by labour from resources originating in the natural world. In terms of capitalism, wealth becomes a vast accrual of possessions. Commodities are articles of wealth created solely as a means to exchange other objects so as to enhance wealth. The instruments of production such as factories, railroads and land are considered capital when they are employed to e xploit human labour in order to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Review to the book Capitalism, Socialism and democracy Essay

Review to the book Capitalism, Socialism and democracy - Essay Example The criticism of Schumpeter is reasoned and well-informed. His views in sociology are similar to Weber's. In "Marx the Economist" Schumpeter provides critique of the labor theory of value from the point of modern economic theory. His critics boils down to that the "labor theory does not account for values in exchange except on special and unrealistic assumptions; if those assumptions are made, then the propositions of the labor theory follow from the modern theory, which can thus explain all the labor theory can explain; and the modern theory can explain things the labor theory cannot explain" (Schumpeter: 24). Also Schumpeter discusses a number of other aspects of Marx's theory and composes a list of advantages and disadvantages. However, while he criticizes Marx's position that capitalism will eventually self-destroy, the reader may notice that his own views in this regard do not differ much from those of Marx's: Schumpeter believes that capitalism bears the seed of its own destruc tion. In the second part titled "Can Capitalism Survive" Schumpeter continues to argue that Marx is right in a way. He believes that Capitalism transform into socialism but the process of transformation will not occur in the way envisaged by Marx. There will be no economic crises and instead of it will be a growing crisis of legitimacy that caused by the progress of rationalization - the view that reflects the essence of Weber's teaching. He insists on that capitalist societies will become socialistic because intellectuals will persistently protect change in a socialistic direction. Simultaneously, Schumpeter underlines the great strength of capitalism which he believes lies in a very simple and powerful schema of motivators. The promises of wealth, coupled with the threats of poverty are powerful enough to attract the majority of normal people and leave those whom reject them in the minority. They are addressed to ability, energy and capacity for work; but if there were a way of measuring either that ability in general or the personal achievement that goes into any particular success, the premiums actually paid out would probably not be found proportional to either. Impressive rewards are thrown to a small minority of winners, thus " propelling much more efficaciously than a more equal distribution would, the activity of that large majority of businessmen who receive in return a very modest compensation or nothing or less than nothing, and yet do their utmost because they have the big prizes before their eyes and overrate their chances of doing equally well... both business success and business failure are ideally precise. Neither can be talked away. (Schumpeter: 73). Also Schumpeter maintains certain modern developments that have reduced the competitiveness of the capitalist economy. The neo-classical economists' analyses of the capable distribution of resources in an equilibrium state are not of much practical interest, since conditions change so rapidly that the system will never come into equilibrium. The capitalist economy will disappear because of gale of innovation. "A system - any system, economic or other - that at every given point of time fully utilizes its possibilities to the best advantage may yet in the long run be inferior to a system that does so at no given point of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Technology vs Man Essay Example for Free

Technology vs Man Essay Technology versus man is not only a theme found in literature, such as when the scientist, Frankenstein, created the monster who came alive and turned on the scientist, but is also a theme found in the real-life world of American economy. The Economist is a weekly newspaper focusing on politics and business news and opinion. It ran an article called â€Å"Into the Unknown† which put forth the idea that changes in technology that destroy jobs can also create new ones. The machine (created by man) will not necessarily turn on the man to destroy him by taking away his means of making a living. Though the machine may eliminate one means of making a living, in so doing it may create a number of new means. When technology starts to eliminate jobs, it also creates an opportunity to profit from the creation of new jobs. â€Å"Into the Unknown† says the fear that a rise in technology would cause a decline in jobs is not a new one. In 1929 American economist Stuart Chase in his book Men and Machines, made the prediction that the creation of machines to do the work that man once did would soon destroy the American economy. The machines would go on producing the same amount of product, but jobless people would not have the money to buy the product. He felt that this economic disaster was just around the corner. Time has proven him wrong according to this article. What Chase didn’t understand was that the machine that destroyed one job set the course for the creation of new, possibly unthought-of jobs. Economic predictions are often wrong and short-sighted. Even short-term labor-market predictions can be wrong as seen in the 1988 example of the twenty occupations that the government predicted would suffer the most job losses between 1988 and 2000. Half of those occupations gained jobs instead of lost. The fear of out-sourcing jobs to other countries is another modern day economic fear according this article; but the author feels out-sourcing could be a way of getting rid of less valuable jobs and then using those workers to do more valuable jobs. Retraining workers and remembering that human desire for new technology will help keep Americans working. The idea that changes in technology that destroy jobs can create new ones is not accepted by everyone. Two hundred years ago in England a group called the Luddites – 19th-century English textile workers – revolted against industrialization by sabotaging mechanical looms. They felt these looms made it possible to replace them with less-skilled, low-wage workers, leaving them without work. An English economist of that day, David Ricardo, was the first to predict that technology would result in unemployment. There have been many others that have agreed with that prediction – economists such as John Maynard, Wassily Leontief, Pater Drucker, and Stuart Chase. Yet despite massive mechanization and automation, the U.S. economy has kept creating jobs. These fears are still being advanced today by people such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology professors, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew P. McAfee. If Stuart Chase thought economic disaster was just around the corner, these men believe we have turned that corner. They believe automation is replacing people faster than the economy can create jobs. Catherine Mann, who is quoted in The Economist article, disagrees with this assessment. She says that Information Technology (IT) jobs have risen from 1999-2003 (Behrens 246). IT jobs, such as health information experts, machine-to-machine communications enablers, and outsourcing/offshoring managers, are increasing. Ms. Mann actually predicts an IT labor shortage (Behrens 246). Is America on the brink of economic disaster due to IT replacing men with machines, or is IT actually producing more jobs than it is taking away as the theme states? History would cause one to believe that the economy will adjust as it always has, and new jobs will be generated; yet a new variable could prove that wrong. America’s gross domestic product has grown 75% since 2009, yet unemployment has hovered above 9% since the same date. This would indicate that Stuart Chase and his kind are right. The new variable is Moore’s Law – microprocessors double their performance every eighteen months. They have been doing this ever since they were introduced in 1958. To illustrate this growth, if one grain of rice was placed on a chessboard square and then doubled on the second square and then that amount was doubled on the third square, by the time all sixty-four squares were filled, the amount of rice would be equal to Mount Everest. Simply put, computers have grown far more powerful over the past fifty years. An example of this is the technological advancement in pattern recognition which now surpasses human capability. This is seen in autonomous vehicles and voice recognition software. Over time, a well-functioning economy should adjust to technological unemployment, but it’s important that workers learn new skills and new business models be invented. As the article states, computer professionals have learned that maintaining standard business-software packages is no longer lucrative, but tailoring business software and services is. There is not a big supply of IT graduates to recruit and train in America. Therefore, companies have to retrain their employees in these sought-after skills (Behrens 246). When technology starts to eliminate jobs, it also creates an opportunity to profit from the creation of new jobs. Even though it is a possibility that we have actually turned the corner in our economy and that technology is actually eliminating jobs faster than they can be created, it is not the time to throw hands in the air and give up. It would be good to remember that technology has created jobs today that would not have been dreamed of twenty-five to fifty years ago. Who knows what jobs will be available twenty-five to fifty years from now?

Friday, November 15, 2019

Shakespere on Management Essay -- William Shakespeare Plays Essays

Shakespeare on Management I never knew that Shakespeare had to do with management, but after reading this book it made me realize the true importance of being a manager, and the way that real managers act toward their employees. I used to think that Management was just about giving orders and keeping the business on track but after reading this book I recognized that there is a lot more to management than that. Shakespeare wrote plays that were full of contradiction and ambiguity. He chose many different dramatic ways of building ambiguity into his plays. He used strong characters, fools, and scoundrels to give his leaders different messages. The world of Management also has its ambiguities, and when it doesn’t recognize this it fails. What managers can learn from this book is that there are people who have similar problems to ours and we can learn from their experience.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every book argues that without leadership, managers and businesses will fail, along with the idea that leadership is the quality that is missing every day of real managers. Shakespeare’s characters demonstrated different ways that leadership could be provided. Until the sixteenth century, almost everybody believed that leaders were born and not made. Shakespeare argued about this point of view. Some of the leaders that he created failed because they based their power on the fact that they were born to be leaders.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Shakespeare’s (Peter and Waterman, 1982: 75) the point that Peter’s is trying to make is that great leaders make meanings for their staff, which means that they provide their staff with the importance of communicating motivation. In Shakespeare’s Henry the fifth’s speech during the battle of Harfleur. They are in a war with the French, but the French has a strong defense and Henry’s troops start giving up. Henry makes a speech to them that truly gives an example of leadership. â€Å"Once more unto the breach, dear friends once more; Or close the wall up with our English dead†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ On on, you noblest English, Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof! Fathers that, like so many Alexanders, Have in these parts from morn til even fought And sheathed their swords for lack of argument; Dishonour not your mothers; now attest That those whom you call’d fathers did beget you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ For there is none of you so mean and base, That hath not noble luster in your eyes. ... ...p Peters contains a warning to all managers, disagreeing that if you don’t succeed in paying attention to the little people, you will fail because sooner or later, they will get you back. They have the power to stop even the greatest leaders. I think Shakespeare really believes this, it shows through his plays how he has leaders listen to people and how he gives the little people strong characters. The reason that both Shakespeare and Tom Peters give for managers to listen to the little people is not only because it is of good morals for managers to do so but also because it is necessary in order to run a company.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Shakespeare’s plays the consequences of poor leadership are almost predictable: heads roll, people fall on their swords, bodies fall to the stage. Although the outcome isn’t as severe for most managers, many leaders still make the mistake of becoming â€Å"royal leaders† when that’s not the role they should be playing. In Shakespeare’s plays, as the author plainly demonstrates, successful leadership is not the result of just being born to do it. Throughout his plays, the most successful leaders are those who earn their position and the respect of those around them.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

College Bubble Essay

Since we were young, we’ve been told that with hard work and determination in high school we would one day make it to college. Once there, if we succeeded with graduating, we’d get a degree which would lead to a well paying career that would allow us to invest in our future. With college debt now leading in the nation’s debt with the growing amount of 830 million dollars, we are stuck asking. Why is the college-loan system failing? The College Bubble was a term used to explain the effect of the nation’s current financial crisis and college tuition constantly on the rise. That is was creating the bubble of debt that will eventually burst. College tuition rates have sky rocketed up 29% in the last 5 years. The average school year for a standard four year, for-profit college now costs $27,293 and on average only 2/3 students graduating due to not being to afford their college education. With the economy in a recession and lossing over 8 million jobs between the years of 07-09, graduates are struggling in the job market, as well as paying off their student loans. (NIA) During the beginning of the recession, many induristes felt the collapsing of the economy. Induristes like the stock market, real estate and even oil! All induristes but two, healthcare and colleges. During this difficult time, colleges are prospering at student’s expense and graduates are not seeing the benefit. Only making the expenditure of college and the hard work of graduates, a poor investment. The government has tried to help students with government aid and programs for low-income graduates, but has failed to fix the problem. College’s are charging to much for an education that even with government aid and loans, can not be affordable or paid off by a graduate in this struggling economy. College loan system is failing students due to a endeavoring economy, over college spending causing higher tuition rates, depleting wages and decling job market. College tuition and the loan system in place to fund it, must be modified to compensate in order to lower student debt. College tuition has obviously raised to unmanagable amounts for college students but why? It is due to the college arm race. Colleges are currently spending huge amounts of money into their campuses and recectional actividies in order to encourage more students, which also means more money. Ohio University economics professor, Richard Vedder was quoted saying, â€Å"Every campus has [to have] its climbing wall, you cannot have a campus without a climbing wall†(5). In 2009 alone, colleges spent a total of 10. 7 billion dollars on contruction of new facilities like gyms and nicer dorms in an afford to recruit more students. (NIA). Students will pay more money to attend a college that has a favorite college sports teams. When it comes to NCAA coaches, Brady and Jody stated statisticly the average salary for a NCAA football coach was is $1. 47 million in 2011. Which in the last six season was a climb up nearly 55% (2). If teams meet performance goals, coaches will, in addition, receive bonuses. Such expenses made by colleges for sport teams, maybe a leisure for a student but how does this help them with a better quality education or with their cribbling debt? Students are paying for something that in no way betters their education, just the notarity of the college. College have found many ways to capitalize of their students in order to afford such expenditures. Some 4 year colleges require that you must be on campus for your first two years of attending with them. Room and board cost an average of $8,887 in the school year of 2011-12, that is up 4% since last year (College Board). It would make sense why they would require that you to stay on campus, if it only put more money into their pockets. College books are another expense of students, colleges are benefitting from. Books are also required by college’s in order to attend classes and are not included in tuition. The cost of college books has tripled in the last 10 years, costing an average of $200 dollars (NIA). College’s will publish their own books, require students to buy them, then update or revise them every year to make the book obsolete causing students to have to by new one’s every year and making the resale of them, nonexistent! College’s will work with publishers and recieve kick backs for using books they publish. Adminstation for college also feel the advantage of higher tuition rates. The president of Yale salary has tripled from $591,709 in 2000, to 1. 63 million in 2009. (5) With the average cost of graduating at a 4 year college at $27,293 a year, it is easy to see who is truly profitting from an attending and/or graduated student. Colleges are captializing of students in a poor economy and once out of college, their is no guarentee employment will be waiting. In 2008, American’s lost over 10. 4 trillion dollars in the financial crisis. Between 2008-2010 over 8. 3 millions of jobs were lost. The government tried bailing out the country with a 4. 6 trillion dollars and was only able to recover 1. 1 million jobs, . 9% percent of jobs. That is 4 million dollars in cost for each job recovered (NIA). Boyce Watkins, a finance professor at Syracuse University is quoted saying, â€Å"[College] is certainly an investment. The question is whether or not you get your return on that investment in actual financial capital†¦ [and] this blanket notion that going to college will guarantee you a better economic future is not always true†(3). In 2009, the numbers were at 12. 5 million umemployed, that is 8. 1 percent of the American population. The numbers have contuning to raise leaving the total count of unemployed at 17. 5 million. With unemployment at the highest its ever been in the last 25 years (6), it’s easy to see that even with the investment of college education, the job market is not in a state of stablity leaving the college graduate to take a minimal paying jobs, move trades, or move altogether to an area in which is hiring. All in which is at a cost to them. â€Å"Many people can’t afford to move, so they need jobs to come to them. This is one of the least discussed, most challenging problems in the labor market right now†¦ This is the largest annual jump in the number of unemployed since the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics began tabulationg this data just after World War 11. Most of the unemployed—62. 3 percent—are out of work because they lost their job, higher than any point since 1982†³ quoted Heather Boushey, a senior economist at the liberal Center for American Progress (7). College graduates not only face the outragous cost of tuition but once finishing their degree they are stuck in a dead end job market. With both college tuition and unemployment at record highs, it is not hard to see that why the college loan system is failing. What once was the american dream has now turned into american’s debt. With college spending to much on non-educational expenses and leaving their students to flip the bill in this economic downfall, its no wonder the college loan system is not helping the college graduate. The college loan system has to look to not only take into consideration the economy’s state but the own college’s spending. While the nation is trying to recover and grow from the current recession it is important to recognize that student borrowing is working against our economic interests and the source of why that is happening. In order for the college graduate to pay of their debt, there must be employment after college and if that is not an guarenteed, college’s must reevaluate their expenditures. Until the economy recovers from its current crisis, student debt will only worsen and end up not only cost the american graduate but the nation as a total.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Art Three Main Types

Art: Representational, Abstract, and Nonrepresentational Art is a way to expression a memory, idea, and/or emotion. Art can come from the mind or you can draw it from another source such as media or nature. Art has very different meanings and attempts to get across to other in different ways. Art is virtually endless. Art can be be altered to look how the artist wants to make it appear or it can be made to look exactly as it appears in reality  . It is up to the artist to make the image as they desire. Artists usually do so by finding a type of art they are comfortable with doing.Some artists do not like to make art that looks like anything someone has seen before. There are hundreds of different categories of art. Those categories can fall into one of three main types. The three main types in which a piece of art can fall under are representational, abstract, and nonrepresentational. Representational art is art in which the artist attempts to capture the image exactly as it appear s. There are several different subcategories that fall under this such as realism and art made during the Renaissance.Artist who tend to make representational art usually are geared to think logically and analytically. Representational art contrasts with abstract art and nonrepresentational art. For instanse the Mona Lisa done by Leonardo Da Vinci is a work of representational art. It is a potrait done in oil to capture the image of Lisa Gherardini. Other works done by Leonardo Da Vinci are also representational. The picture captures what the artist sees in reality rather then what the artist want's to exaggerate upon.When trying to steer away from physical realities abstract art tends to cover the spectrum of emotions with shapes and lines. This art can vary on whether it contains things that are representation and things that are entirely nonrepresentational. This category of art is everything that falls in between representational art and nonrepresentational art. A great example would be just about any work done by Pablo Piccaso. Cubism is a sub form of abstract art, which is a type of art that Pablo Piccaso is known for.Cubism is when the artist uses geometric shapes to define their work of art in place of the natural organic shapes which would normally be made in representational art. However since the work still has some representation it is not entirely nonrepresentational which lands it in the abstract category. Art that makes no attempt to identify or represent something is called nonrepresentational art. This art does not depict any beings, places or things in the natural world. It is very much like abstract however there are absolutely no representations within this type of art.While the art is not intended to represent anything it usually appeals to emotions with the tone of colors and the way the artist uses their media. An example of this can be expressionism. However this type of art is tricky. Expressionism can also fall under the category of a bstract. Since abstract and nonrepresentational art can be closely related it is also easy to confuse the two. While expressionism shows a strong sense of emotions it can also have some representational items within it which allows it to fall into one of the two categories. Representational art can never be expressionism.Fighting Forms by Franz Marc is a good example of expressionistic nonrepresentational art. The artist makes a work from their desired media in order to produce an image or images they want to see in the world rather then allow it to remain in their head for no one to see. An artist usually uses a type of art that they can best relate to. There are sever different types of art to choose from but they all fall into one of three categories. Out of all the different categories of art all of them fall into three different types. They are representational, abstract, or nonrepresentational.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Shakespeare verses Luhrmann essays

Shakespeare verses Luhrmann essays In Shakespeares original text, there is humour created by serving men to lower tension from the previous scene. Sampson, Gregory, Anthony and Capulet welcomes his guests with humour Ladies that have their toes unplaged with corns will walk about with you. In the text Capulet comes across as a real lady charmer who gets away with flirting with any lady. A whispering tale in a fair ladies ear.... Capulets lines are very descriptive this helps to create the atmosphere Come musicians play this tells the audience that musicians are there . A hall shows that the party is being held in a hall. Capulet talks of quenching the fire ,he also says that the room is too hot. All of this sets the scene, a lot of Shakespeares work had to contain word imagery as the props and the stage designs were primitive. In the text Capulet doesnt dance, I know this because he says... Nay sit , good cousin Capulet, for you and I are past our dancing days. More humorous conversation is had between Capulet and second Capulet . Then we see Romeo for the time, enquiring about Juliet from a Juliet is dancing with Tybalt who is dressed as a knight (This indicates Juliet and Tybalts closeness as relatives, this is not brought across in the Romeo then says his lines on how Juliet doth teach the torches to burn bright This is like saying she shines brighter than everything , and that It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night this means Juliet makes the blackness of night beautiful. Beauty to rich for use, for earth to dear... could this be a premonition of how Juliet will end up dead. because she is too precious for the world? She is described as a snowy dove among crows this tells the audience how radiant she looks and that c...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How To Rediscover The Joy Of Writing

How To Rediscover The Joy Of Writing How To Rediscover The Joy Of Writing How To Rediscover The Joy Of Writing By Sharon Most people get into the writing business because they love to write. In fact, they cant imagine doing anything else. However, when you write for a living, you may sometimes feel as if youre writing by rote and as if the joy of writing has completely evaporated. Almost every freelance writer that I know has experienced this at least once. Its time to do something about it before the joy disappears completely. Here are some of the steps that I take. Sometimes it helps to step away from the computer. When you spend most of every day there, its no surprise that you might feel a bit stale from time to time. I find exercise very helpful in clearing my brain, so I go for a walk or if I really want to torture myself take a spin class. Reading has always been one of my favorite forms of relaxation. When youre trying to refresh your ideas, the trick is to read something completely different. When Im relaxing, I almost never read about mortgages or loans. Instead, I pick up a good biography or a trashy novel and lose myself in someone elses life. Its amazing how many good ideas you can get by doing that. The best writing appeals to people. If you work at home, you may not meet many people, but you can still find out what they think. Watch some daytime TV or get out there and talk to your friends. When you distract your brain from the subject at hand, then theres lots of room for ideas to flood in. Write for fun. For me, this is one way of recharging my batteries. Instead of working on an ebook or an article about property, I can experiment with a short story or a poem. Turning my thoughts in a different direction can flick a mental switch and get the creative juices flowing again. Take a challenge. Theres always a writing challenge going on urging you to talk about your successes, give writing tips, satirize a famous writer, write a piece of flash fiction or another form of writing. These give writers the chance to try something new. At worst, it makes a change. At best, writers will discover another form of writing that they love, and find the joy of writing again. These are some of the steps that have worked for me. I do have off days, but I still love what I do. What works for you when youre feeling burned out? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:35 Synonyms for â€Å"Look†Confusing "Passed" with "Past"How to Treat Names of Groups and Organizations

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Assignment 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Assignment 4 - Essay Example In other words, free will is said to be operant whenever an action is seen to be morally responsible or lack thereof. In the same vein, free will is applied to those actions which lead to significant consequences. The second condition is important, for there is no utility in dissecting the intentions of an individual when they do not spring from a will to act. Having said this, sometimes people make the right choices for the wrong reasons. To prevent such pitfalls, Campbell says that ‘inner acts’ is what needs to be considered, as opposed to ‘overt acts’. Campbell goes on to further refine the scope for free will. An individual cannot be held accountable for decisions and actions that are beyond his realm of control. To this extent, only those acts are accounted for, for which the instigator is the sole actor. As Campbell readily admits, his endeavour toward a sound definition of free will is only partially successful. Not only are there too many conditions, but there are also extraneous factors such as heredity and environment which have a bearing on the exercise of free will. Considering all the loopholes and external factors, Campbell adopts a simplified guideline, whereby, an individual can be blamed or praised for his acts, only if he could have acted otherwise. There is some merit to the view that heredity and circumstance can considerably limit human volition. But this premise only sets the scope within which free will can be evaluated. It does not follow that determinism is the overarching explanation for human action. The other major problem with determinism is that it disburdens people from moral responsibility. While Campbell’s success in defining free will could be debated, his essay has a definite utility. It helps the reader understand the various truisms, assumptions, variables, factors and pitfalls that the project entails. Yet, by the end

Friday, November 1, 2019

Book report(Francis Crick Discoverer of the Genetic Code) Essay

Book report(Francis Crick Discoverer of the Genetic Code) - Essay Example A number of renowned writers are being currently commissioned by the Eminent Live series of short biographies to write and arrange the biographies of the famous persons. For this excellent biography of Francis Crick, this has worked considerably well. Francis Crick's significant scientific contributions and importantly his personality are being presented to the readers by this work of Ridley. He expressed that it was quite difficult to discuss about Francis with certainty as he was a bit private person and didn't usually shared his gossips, moods and biases or his detailed daily life in his writing or work. Even then he wasn't an unfriendly introvert, as he always enjoyed the company of his close friends, colleges and practices a healthy social life when he wasn't in the laboratory. But he ignored fashionable attention and icon as crude and excruciating to hold. He usually kept himself isolated as his close circle was limited to those intellectual personalities the company of whom he perceived as vital for his own learning. This behavior was quite consistent over his entire life and being referred as "dyadic pairing" by Ridley. Very essentially, this habit enabled him to bounce suggestions from his close companion the opinion and judgment of whom he considered trustable. His immediate reference board was Georg Kreisel and a prominent student Wittgenstein. Jim Watson when in 1950s they explored the detailed arrangement of the DNA. While many of the theoretical underpinnings of molecular biology and especially the nature of genetic code Sydney Brenner followed in the 1960s. Later on when Crick shifted to the California's Salk Institute, he due to his dyadic pairing, and as he moved his concentration to neurobiology stuck up with Christ of Koch. His career actually began as a physicist. He was sent to work at the Admiralty and therefore pulled out from school quite early, as he was made to investigate he functioning and detection of mines during the years of war. Specifically, he discovered methods in which the acoustic and magnetic mines provided strong resistance to the ships passing by. Later he decided never make efforts in the field of nuclear weaponry when the atomic bombs were dropped at the Nagasaki and Hiroshima. There afterwards he began his PhD, just before the war, on the tackiness of water. But later when the war was over he again shifted and moved on to the life sciences as he wanted to apply his knowledge of physics and whatever he possessed to be applied to the principles of life. He therefore chose the x-ray diffraction and as in those days most of the scientists perceived the proteins as the likely genie material, he was requested to study the structure of protein, specially the hemoglobin. He was introduced to Watson in the 1950s. After their meeting they immediately shifted to the DNA as according to Watson thought it was quite necessary for the further study of the gene. A very excellent job is being performed by Ridley while describing that how they worked it and why Franklin, Wilkins and Pauling failed to do so. In order to deal with the coding problems Crick spent next ten years if his life. The importance